Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Bufday Times ^^

Before June 18 : haha ! some berry's fren duno when my bufday date , they early wish me xD 16/17 gt 2 red egg egg extra de do From Anally ! So, Anally gave it to me . Hang go ate 1 dy still have 1 more He say happy bufday to me suddenly the egg drop down from his hand ! lolx....lucky tat day nt my bufday day !

18.6.2011 :
Tat's day I do Morning shift . An ice-cream vallina 1/2kg haven been order from me bt buy from my MUMMy !

Happy Birthday My sweet 18 year's old !

                                                            Vannila ice-cream cake !
                                                      My bufday & Father's Day =D

                                                        My happy face =D taken by sista
Baba maked fire on the candel's =)
                                                        Awesome cake hasd been out xD !
                                                   When they sing bufday time de Me =D
                                                            Make A wish Time =)
                                                        After blowing the candle's ^^
                                                                    Cut cake time ^^
                                                            vallina ice-cream times !!!
                                                        My bufday present !!!!! tq Guys =)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

happy , nervous , scared , crying , enjoying xD !

Friday 10/6/11, i'm back to berry's dy xD ! everyone are asking me why u cum back ? haha !
Sunday 12/6/11, take a break with berry's friends 2gether ! 1st time taking  break ! syok betul xD
Tuesday 14/6/11, 1st time driving on the road ! feel so nervous & scared ! Mr.ROK my sifu 1st meet tat I feel his face make me dun like him xP so cool and frice like a tiger ! and sososo babi ! WTF... you dun how to say mandrine so what ! my cantoness also no good wad~ what DE ! I gt pay you money no sent me to home ! You think u vry big la izit ? i'm your customer you should heard me nt I heard wad you saying ! yes ! you are my sifu i know so wad ? sei a pek make me so angry ! crying all the time ! shit you ! teacher is nt the bigger la ! babi ! okie ! i must be lang jeng ! see next tuesday how you teach me with ur mood ! wait and see if really i can't tahan i will boykod YOU "SEI AH PEK" I wont scared YOU anymore !!!!
Wednesday 15/6/11, haha ;D some friend wish me ! Anally i want red egg egg !! yer~ ah Hang why you ate my egg ?? Hang joking taking anada red egg said : nah ! happy birthday  to you ! thn, the egg flour down hmmhp =( my lastly red egg flour down dy TT badly !
haha ! see this saturday how celebrate my bufday ! can't wait for tat day ! excited waiting for tat day !!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my L license weeeeee~~~~~

Finally ! I get my L license dy =) next step : driving lesson . tomorrow i will go ask for a new driving center .
huhu ! Now I oready change 3rd time center (dun laugh at me) =X
I'm just call my upline ~ walaoA !!!! aunty really aunty banyak cakap ! bla bla bla~~~~
hate this kind of person ! arghhhhh~~~~
monday i will start my  new life at berry's hope to see you all , hope all things will be ok at there...
berry's I'm Com_ING =D

Sunday, June 5, 2011

4/6/2011 " Tong Wu Jie " (pinyin)

A Great "Tong Wu Jie"

 Doing by poh poh , mummy , kom mou , peng yi & jie jie ~ haha nt include me xD
 " zhong ji " Ate by Me =)

JoB =P

Jun 1 2011 I haved been end my clark job ! feel very suddenly , sorry & happy =)
I haved called my Ex-JOB Berry's back by 9:30 p.m. =)
yatie said there's need worker so she try to ask shing er 1st for given me an answer !
so, i'm now waiting for the answer ~ hope i will been selected ;D AnD my sista !
heard shing er now sick ( chickenBok ) hope she will be okieee.....